Roncalli Upcoming Events

Feb 17

President’s Day – eLearning Day

Location: Roncalli High School

Mar 01


26th Annual RHS Athletics Cash Bash & Raffle

6:30 PM

Location: The Atrium, 3143 E Thompson Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46227

Mar 21

Spring Break

Mar 21st - Mar 30th

Location: Roncalli High School

ROAR The Greatest Show On Earth
Apr 26


ROAR – The Greatest Show On Earth

5:30 PM

Location: Roncalli High School, Ascension St. Vincent Gymnasium

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Blue Ribbon School of Excellence




National Architect Champions


Athletic State Championships


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Roncalli Royals Voices

Alex has found many things through the fine arts program at Roncalli over the years. Great experiences on the stage and off, genuine friends and friendships and the ability to remember choreography, lyrics and lines! But of all of the things she has found, the one that I am most grateful for is this: she found herself! You managed to reach her in a special way. In reaching her, you helped her to see her education, her classmates, her faith and herself in a new light. Your caring guidance helped her to be comfortable with who she was and to think about who she could be. Please accept my most sincere gratitude and may God bless you and the work you continue to do as teachers.

Ed Balint

Former Roncalli Parent

Roncalli Royals Voices

You’ve been such a positive influence in our girls’ high school careers, Mrs. Maly. You’ve always known when to challenge their mindset and when to just listen to them trying to figure things out. Your impression upon them is deeper than you may know and probably more than they even realize because it’s easy to take such care for granted at Roncalli. Thank you for answering the call to Catholic education, and thank you for the love, care and support you’ve selflessly given to all students at Roncalli.

Melanie Carr

Former Roncalli Parent

Roncalli Royals Voices

Wow, we continue to be so impressed with Roncalli! We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have Thomas & Anthony enrolled at such a faith-based high school, with teachers and staff who witness Christ's love so beautifully & authentically. I wish everyone at St. Charles would walk through the doors of RHS to experience the family environment that fills its halls. I know it convinced Thomas and Anthony (and Mom & Dad) that the sacrifice to get there was worth it and we're sure others would feel the same way.

Sheryl Sherman

Current Roncalli Parent

Roncalli Royals Voices

As an alumnus of Roncalli, I often reflect back on my time there. I knew it was a special place when I was a student, but it’s magnified now as an adult. I think about the academic and spiritual preparation. I was prepared for college and the workforce because of skills I learned at Roncalli. Most importantly, I think of the relationships Roncalli provided for me. The peer relationships have proven to be life-long, as most of my adult friendships started at Roncalli. Finally, my relationship with God was strengthened because of the opportunities provided by Roncalli. I feel that none of these things would be true without Roncalli’s leadership.

Jennifer Dixon R’04

Roncalli Alumni

Roncalli Royals Voices

I wanted to take a moment and thank you for the Open House last night. It was a breath of fresh air to come to a school and feel so much positive energy and excitement during such challenging times. I really appreciated the time and energy you all put into the Open House and that you continue to make things happen given the state of the world we are living in. Thank you.

Andrea Wagner

Current Roncalli Parent

Roncalli Royals Voices

We are so proud of David and who Roncalli helped him become! It was bittersweet as we wrapped this chapter of David’s life; a sentiment I am sure you have heard repeatedly.

Roncalli is such a special place and his four years went by so fast, it’s hard to move on from. If my children bless me with grandkids, and they live locally, I will most certainly advocate their education is Catholic and at Roncalli. Best investment our family has ever made!

Andy Clayton

Former Roncalli Parent

Roncalli Royals Voices

I have been invited to speak at Roncalli several times over the past two decades, and have always been impressed by their Catholic identity and the genuine love they have for their students. The environment on campus demonstrates that faith, hope, and love aren't transmitted only in the religion class, but in every department.

Jason Evert

Catholic Speaker and Author

Roncalli Royals Voices

We moved to the southside right before my son's senior year. I signed him up for tennis clinics led by Coach Stone before I knew he would be going to Roncalli. At the end of the first week he said, "I think I want to go to school here", much to my surprise. After being at Roncalli for a few months, he told me, "I think Roncalli was the better decision to set me up for life. They really care about you."

Thank you so much for this amazing school! I only wish he had more years prior.

Kim Elzea

Former Roncalli Parent

Roncalli Royals Voices

Jay and I feel so blessed that our children have been able to attend Roncalli! Although it hasn't been easy sending our children to Catholic Schools for all of these years, we wouldn't trade it for the world. Your teachers and staff truly go above and beyond! I just hope and pray that people thank all of you enough. I know as an educator that people can be quick to send an email when they aren't happy, but I certainly hope they send them to show their gratitude. The past 2 years have been extremely challenging, yet so many of your teachers and staff have helped Cellia & Colin get through even the most challenging times. Although Lilly is in her 3rd year of college, she is still in contact with many of her RHS family members. I just want you and all of your staff to know how grateful we are for everyone at Roncalli. May God continue to bless you all and the work you do!

Denise & Jay Boring

Former Roncalli Parents

Roncalli Royals Voices

Just wanted to say THANK YOU again for everything you’ve done for us and Camryn, Miss Ross! Words cannot express how appreciative we are for all the help and guidance you’ve provided us through this process. You have made us feel so welcome and at ease…especially Camryn. She is VERY excited to become a Royal and can’t wait for school to start!

Carissa Clark

Former Roncalli Parent

Roncalli Royals Voices

Roncalli High School has without a doubt been the most influential place in my life. The teachers and staff members gave me the guidance and opportunities to explore my faith and form my own friendship with God. The life lessons I learned while at Roncalli gave me the foundation I needed to find joy and fulfillment in my life long after I graduated.

Elizabeth Britner R’15

Roncalli Alumni

Roncalli Royals Voices

Roncalli Staff, I know you are all busy, but I wanted to reach out to you with regards to the commitment you make to our kids each day. I am proud and blessed that we are part of the Roncalli Family! In these turbulent times it is rare to hear wise words and see people of character. I am proud to say that Isabel is at the right place at the right time! When I hear from Roncalli staff and speak to my daughter, I hear and see character, insightfulness and personal responsibility. You are all doing work that will shape the future of our country in a positive way and I just wanted to say THANK YOU!

Chris Pierce

Current Roncalli Parent

Roncalli Royals Voices

We wanted to take this opportunity to thank the Roncalli Staff who have helped Garrett get through his last two years at RHS, specifically Mrs. Roberts, Ms. Okerson, Mr. Small, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. LeMark, Mr. Elbreg, Mrs. McGill and Mr. Kratoska. Thank you also for all you and the Roncalli staff have done to keep teachers, employees and students safe. We appreciate all you do and realize it is a tough job. Thank you again!

Mary and Steve Oursler

Former Roncalli Parents

Roncalli Royals Voices

Roncalli is the paying forward engine that can change society! The best thing we can give society is a Roncalli educated child.

Bill Dever

Former Roncalli Parent

Roncalli Royals Voices

I wanted to take the time to thank you for your efforts in getting Emily registered and started at Roncalli. I can’t even begin to tell you the difference our visit today made for Emily. She has not stopped talking about how nice everyone was and how welcome she felt. She’s so excited! Wendy in the spirit shop was so friendly and got Emily excited about voting for the new mascot. We have already heard from a couple of teachers who want to make sure she is set up for success. I just don’t know that I can accurately describe the sense of community that we felt in the building, which is crazy since it was practically empty! I feel confident that Emily is finally where she belongs. Thank you so much!

Lisa Render

Current Roncalli Parent

Roncalli Royals Voices

I am so grateful our grandchildren have/are attending this wonderful school. Your staff and educators inspire, watch over & help guide these young people in everything they strive to achieve. Thank you & your staff for all you do!

Marty Hutcheson

Roncalli Grandparent

Roncalli Royals Voices

Roncalli has been a HUGE blessing to us - we couldn’t be happier about our choice to send our kids to Roncalli. We will be there for quite awhile to come, as our youngest is currently in third grade.

Jen and John Buechler

Current Roncalli Parents

Roncalli Royals Voices

Mr. Grimes-I thank you for your gentle witness to the Faith in how you let us know that there are references to God in your materials. It impressed me that you did not need to apologize or downplay belief in God--it's simply part of who you are, and a part of where you teach. I'm especially happy that two great saints made it to the back wall in your classroom! I am grateful that I had a chance to hear you and learn from you, and I know that I will be able to take advantage of your kindness and professionalism in sharing everything you have made.

Sister Colleen Marie Cousino

Friend of Roncalli

Michelle Keller, Mary's Meals

Roncalli Royals Voices

I was blessed to speak with the students of Roncalli High School. They were attentive and asked some well thought out questions.

I could tell the passion and desire to serve those most in need was nurtured through the caring teachers at the school. I would be happy to come back to present or assist students in a project any time!

What a pleasure! Thank you so much for listening and for your open hearts. We together know that through our voices we can speak for the oppressed and in need. We can take action in many ways. I am honored to know that through Roncalli, students are given that opportunity.

Michelle Keller

Regional Coordinator, Mary's Meals USA

Roncalli Royals Voices

Thanks so much for all of your help this year. I have to say that both girls had amazing experiences at Roncalli, and I know it’s largely due to the teachers. Both Jillian R'19 and Jayden R'23 have discussed with me so many times that a teacher went above and beyond to help explain something, lend an ear to listen to a concern or just reach out to check in on them. I know they would not have these experiences anywhere else. I’m very proud of the women my girls have become, and it was with the help of their teachers and staff at Roncalli that they are who they are. You all will always be in our hearts.

Jennifer Stafford

Former Roncalli Parent

Roncalli Graduate Profile

As Christ has called upon each of us to “go make disciples of all nations'” and to the extent that our namesake, St. John XXIII (Angelo Cardinal Roncalli) was committed to that task, it is Roncalli High School’s intention to create disciples of Jesus in the image of St. John. It is to this purpose that we aspire for all of our graduates to honor and glorify God by:


having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and evangelizing the message of the Gospel through their actions.


reaching their fullest potential through a commitment to lifelong learning.


serving the needs of others with loving and compassionate hearts.


being devout members of the Church, cultivators of the Roncalli spirit, and responsible citizens.
R Family Day


recognizing that every person is created in the image and likeness of God, having the utmost respect for life, and embracing a diverse world.

Roncalli Mission Statement

As a Catholic high school, our pledge is to provide, in concert with parents, parish and community, an educational opportunity which seeks to form Christian leaders in body, mind and spirit. Guided by prayer and the Gospel values of faith, love and justice, students are challenged to respond to the call of discipleship and to fulfill their potential as lifelong learners in service to others. Our end is to make God’s love complete among us.