Does Roncalli offer bus transportation?
Roncalli works hard to assist families who are seeking other families with which to carpool. We also work diligently and with great success in matching families who have transportation needs (ride to school and/or ride home from school) with other Roncalli students and families who can assist.
From how many different schools does Roncalli attract students? How are students and families from outside the South Deanery assisted in their acclimation to Roncalli?
The current student body at Roncalli comes from 35 different grade/middle schools in addition to our 10 South Deanery Catholic Schools. Roncalli features great geographic and socioeconomic diversity and continues to be blessed with growing ethnic diversity as well.
The school prides itself on living out the message proclaimed by its namesake, Angelo Cardinal Roncalli (St. John XXIII) who frequently commented that “Each of us is a child of God.” One of the nine charisms of St. John XXIII that the school embraces and attempts to live out daily is that of being a “welcoming” community!
We hear frequently from guests as well as students and families that came from a school other than a South Deanery Catholic School that they felt welcome from the first time they stepped foot in our school!
Roncalli reaches out in very specific, intentional ways to assist in the transition of students and families coming to us from schools outside our South Deanery Schools. To find out more about these specific efforts please email the assistant principal for student activities.
What is the level of diversity within Roncalli?
In the welcoming spirit of our namesake, Roncalli High School continues to expand the level of diversity found in the school. The minority enrollment at Roncalli for the 2023-24 school year was 29%. The school continues to be very diverse in terms of the socioeconomic background of its students/families.
What faith traditions are represented at Roncalli?
Being a Catholic high school of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis the school’s enrollment is predominantly Catholic (approximately 90%). However, there are many Christian denominations represented in the student body as well as some non-Christian denominations. Students of all faith backgrounds are welcome at Roncalli. It is important to note that all students must enroll in and pass eight semesters of religious studies courses. The curriculum for these courses is rooted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. All students are expected to attend the monthly all school liturgies. Our students of other faith traditions acclimate very well in their experience at Roncalli. Many of them are very active in the voluntary retreat programs offered to students of all grade levels.
Roncalli believes there is much to be gained by our students from healthy, robust discussions related to faith and doctrine. Thus, students are encouraged to be open in their discussion of faith and doctrinal issues, especially in their religious studies classes. However, Roncalli does not allow students at any time to be openly hostile in their comments toward the Catholic faith.
Where do Roncalli students go after high school, and how does Roncalli provide assistance in making that choice?
Roncalli has five school counselors who are assigned to students alphabetically by their last name. This allows the school counselor the time necessary to know well each of their students, along with their gifts, talents and ambitions.
Additionally, Roncalli was one of the first schools in the central Indiana area to have a full time college counselor. This person works closely with students and families whose college and/or scholarship search merits a more intensive process.
Annually, Roncalli’s guidance department holds college and career planning presentations in the evening that are well attended by students and parents. These evening sessions are usually tailored for a specific class of students (seniors, juniors, sophomores, freshmen) as each class is at a different point in the college research/search process.
What percentage of Roncalli graduates go to college (in state, out of state), vocational, military, etc… ?
Traditionally, approximately 88% of our graduates will go to a four-year college/university, 4% to a two-year college, 1% to the military and 7% directly into the workforce.
Is Roncalli in a 1:1 technology format? What other electronic devices are students allowed to use?
Roncalli High School’s philosophy on technology has evolved through the years but has had one constant point of emphasis. That constant point of emphasis is that the school will make all necessary investments in technology when it is clear that its use enhances teaching and/or learning. The school implemented a 1:1 program in the 2016-17 school year with each student being issued a Chromebook. The Chromebook is the property of the school but ownership is then transferred to the student upon graduation from Roncalli. The implementation of the 1:1 format has gone well.
While a Chromebook is versatile and has become the most commonly used electronic device in high schools across the country, it is not the best device in all academic situations. Thus, teachers continue to have access to iPads and laptop computers that are housed in carts and are available for classes to use. This current blended use of Chromebooks, iPads and laptops is providing teachers and students with excellent options for using technology as a teaching/learning tool.
What is the school’s cell phone policy?
The school’s complete cell phone/pager/electronic device policy may be accessed via the link below in section 6.3.7.
What is the current enrollment and average class size?
Enrollment at the beginning of the 2024-25 school year was 1,118. Class size varies as some sections of classes may have enrollments as low as 8-10 students, while other classes will have enrollments between 28-30. The school’s intent is to keep enrollment in all sections of classes between 24-26.
How can students become familiar with extracurricular activities offered?
There are a number of ways that students are introduced to club and extracurricular activities. Incoming freshman students are provided this information during the registration process, at freshman orientation and during homeroom sessions held just for freshmen during the school year.
Dates and times for call out/informational meetings for clubs and extracurricular activities are shared with students on a consistent basis through daily announcements.
There is a link on the school’s web site that also provides details on clubs and extracurricular activities.
For club information click here:
For athletic information click here:
For fine arts information click here:
We strive to provide all students with some type of extracurricular activity that matches their area of interest and/or expertise.
My child does not attend one of the feeder schools for Roncalli. Can my child still shadow a student for the day?
Absolutely! We would love for your student to come and experience a school day at Roncalli! Click on this link to find out more about our “Royal For A Day” shadow program.
Is there a program available to help students with special needs or IEP’s?
Roncalli High School was the first faith based school in the state of Indiana to offer a comprehensive program for students with special needs. The program, started in 1993, has evolved into a program that is modeled at Catholic and other faith based schools throughout the United States. Roncalli has hosted educators and parents from Catholic and Christian schools from across the country who have come to observe our STARS and Life Academy programs.
The STARS program is designed to assist students with identified learning needs reach their full academic potential. The Life Academy program is designed for students who are pursuing a Certificate of Completion program.
How much involvement do a student’s parents have in the selection of courses/academic schedule for their student?
Each incoming freshman student will register for his/her courses in an individual meeting with that student’s school counselor along with the student’s parents. These student/family friendly scheduling sessions have been a staple of our scheduling process for nearly 30 years. These scheduling meetings begin taking place during February of the student’s eighth grade year.
Current students submit their future course requests online in January, and in February/March counselors meet with each of their students individually to confirm their course requests, and discuss college and career planning topics. Parents are invited to participate in this scheduling appointment.
Does Roncalli accept students with a School Choice Scholarship?
Yes, please click on this link for detailed information on the School Choice Scholarship (voucher) program.
Does Roncalli accept transfer students from another high school?
Yes, Roncalli does accept transfer students. In most cases transfer students are accepted only at the start of a school year or at the start of second semester. Extenuating circumstances must exist for a transfer student to be accepted in the middle of a semester. Please call the Admissions Office at 317-787-8277, extension 243 for more information.
How many academic levels exist within the curriculum at Roncalli?
Roncalli High School has long prided itself on offering its curriculum at a variety of academic levels as a means to supporting students with a wide range of academic abilities. There are four levels of coursework offered in most of the core academic areas: Academic, College Prep, Honors/Dual Credit and Advanced Placement (AP)
How many AP classes does Roncalli offer?
Roncalli High School currently offers 20 AP courses in english, mathematics, social studies, science, world languages, fine arts and computer science.
When is Freshman Orientation? What will occur during Freshman Orientation and do parents attend?
Roncalli High School was one of the first high schools in the state to offer a comprehensive orientation program for incoming ninth graders when it began its Freshman Orientation program in 1978. The program continues today and is traditionally held on the first Saturday in August. The primary purpose of the day is to welcome the freshmen to Roncalli and to assist them in their transition to high school. The day is developed by and run by members of the senior class under the direction of members of the school’s administration and faculty. The day includes a session to introduce the freshmen to the cafeteria and lunch process, a pep session, a run through of their daily schedule, a senior “welcome” video and concludes with mass. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend the mass held at the end of the orientation program.
When and how do students receive their schedule prior to the start of the school year?
Students and parents receive a personalized email 10-14 days prior to the start of the school year. This email includes locker information as well as login and password information for the school’s grade viewing program and learning management system.
Where do I find supply list for each class?
Teachers have their supply list posted on their respective Canvas account. Canvas is the school’s learning management system. Login and password information comes in the personalized email that is sent home to families 10-14 days prior to the start of school.
Who do I contact if I have questions about my child’s school issued Chromebook?
All questions related to a student’s Chromebook should be sent to the following email address:
If my child is enrolled in the freshman physical education class, when do I get/purchase the physical education uniform?
Uniforms for the freshman physical education class are included in your tuition. No additional payment is necessary for the uniform or the lock that will be issued to each student. The student will get their lock and uniform the first week of school during their physical education class.
Do we need to purchase books or are all books digital?
Students and families are charged a book rental fee that is included in their annual tuition. It is believed that our students/families are saving hundreds of dollars over their four year career through our book rental system. Online or digital textbooks are used in some but not all courses. The use of online or digital textbooks is still evolving as there have been challenges in using this type of textbook effectively at both the high school and college level.
Who do I contact regarding academic issues?
The teacher should be the first contact any time the concern/issue involves his/her performance in an academic class. If the concern remains after having involved the teacher, the assistant principal for academic affairs should be contacted.
Many problems can be prevented or quickly resolved through the use of proper communication. In keeping with the principle of subsidiary, questions or problems should be addressed at the lowest level whenever possible. Thus, if a question or problem arises with an individual staff member, it is advisable to go directly to that person first. If a satisfactory resolution is not achieved at this level, then that person’s supervisor should be contacted and informed of the situation. If you have questions or a need for assistance regarding the proper channel of communications within the school, please call the school’s Main Office. If you have made an attempt to contact a staff member without follow up within a 24-hour period, please contact the Principal. The Main Office is open from 7 AM to 4 PM. The phone number is 317-787-8277.
How can I contact teachers?
The most efficient way to contact a teacher, counselor, coach or administrator is to email them. Should you desire a phone call or a meeting it is best to email the teacher, counselor, coach, administrator and make this request via email.
All faculty and staff email addresses may be found via this link.
How many services hours are required and where can I get more info on signing up for service hours?
The following link takes you to a page that contains full details on the service hours requirements for all Roncalli students.
What if my child needs to leave during the day for an appointment?
If a student must schedule a medical appointment during school hours, he/she must bring to the Attendance Office a note from his/her parent or guardian indicating the time of departure from school for the appointment, the doctor’s name and the doctor’s address. If a student is driving to an appointment they must sign “out” at the Attendance Office before leaving the building. If a student is being driven to an appointment by a parent/guardian, then the parent/guardian MUST come to the Attendance Office and sign the student out. It will not be necessary to sign the student back “in” if the student has a physician’s excuse with them. Note: Absences because of appointments count toward the total number of absences in class for the semester as well as against perfect attendance.
How do I report that my child is absent?
A parent or guardian must report their child’s absence to the Attendance Office before 9 AM by calling 317-787-8277 extension 227. State the name and year of the student and reason for absence. After an absence, a student must bring a written excuse signed by a parent/guardian to the Attendance Office when first arriving at school. A written excuse is a safeguard for the student in case any questions arise concerning the absence. Teachers check absent students against an absentee list each day. If the teacher finds any discrepancies in the list, the Attendance Officer is notified immediately of the discrepancy. Forged notes are a cause for disciplinary action.
Where do I get uniforms?
Roncalli uniforms shirts, uniform sweatshirts and uniform quarter zip pullovers are available in the Roncalli Spirit Store daily during all lunch periods. Students and/or parents are invited to shop the Spirit Store on any school day during lunch. Additionally, the Spirit Store holds a large Uniform/Spirit Wear Sale annually during the latter part of July.
Students are to wear navy blue or tan slacks which are neat and unmarked (no stripes, designs, etc.). The slacks must be dress slacks made of cotton-twill material similar to a pair of “Dockers” cotton-twill pants. Slacks made of denim, fleece, velour or athletic warm up style material are not allowed nor are capri pants, “skinny” pants or yoga pants. “Pegging” or “rolling” of pants is not allowed. Slacks must be minimum of “boot cut” in diameter around the lower leg. These pants may be purchased at any retail outlet. The Spirit Store does not carry pants.
Each year the senior class is allowed to be out of uniform for the final four weeks of their high school career. At this time they are asked to donate any pants, uniform shirts, sweatshirts or pullovers that are in good, usable condition. These donated items are made available to families for the following year at no cost. Please call the school’s Main Office for more details.
How do I add money to my child’s lunch account?
Complete details about the school’s cafeteria and lunch program can be found in the student handbook. Click on the link below. Section 3.6 has full details.
When are “out of uniform” days?
Students, teachers and staff members are invited to be out of uniform usually twice a month if they wear some type of Roncalli shirt, sweatshirt, pullover, etc. It typically happens on an every other Friday basis but that rotation can be disrupted by things like Grandparents Day, an all school liturgy, etc. during which all students will be in uniform.
The “out of uniform” days are noted on the school calendar that is accessible on the front page of the Roncalli web site.
How are parents notified when school is cancelled or delayed?
Multiple methods are used to notify parents, students, families, etc. when there is a school cancellation, delay or emergency. The parent(s) with legal custody listed in the student’s main contact list in our school’s database will receive a voicemail and/or text message (if they signed up to receive text messages) when a delay, cancellation or emergency exists. The most efficient, accurate way to know of a school delay or cancellation due to weather and/or road conditions is to check the school’s website at The school’s website is updated with this information within 1-2 minutes once a decision has been made to delay or cancel school. Finally, the school does still communicate delay and cancellation information to the local television stations for inclusion on their station’s information.
As a parent, how can I get involved?
Great question! There are a number of ways for parents to be involved with school life at Roncalli. Check out these opportunities by going to the following link on the Roncalli website.