High School Placement Test
(Scholastic Testing Service)
Saturday, November 9th
- Test will be on paper. Please bring a number two pencil. Calculators are not allowed.
- Test begins at 8:00 AM.
- Curbside dropoff at Main Entrance Door 1 by 7:45 AM.
- Pickup at Main Entrance Door 1 around 11:15 AM
- Cost: $10 cash or check made out ot Roncalli OR pay online with Registration
- Contact Hope Golden, guidance assistant (ext. 214 or hgolden@roncalli.org) or Jessica Engel, school counselor (ext. 235 or jengel@roncalli.org) if there are further questions
- The HSPT score is determined by the number of correct answers; points are not subtracted for incorrect answers. If a question seems exceptionally difficult, students are advised to make the most careful guess they can, and then move on to the next question. Students are advised that it will help their score if they move along at a fairly rapid pace. This information is all contained in the HSPT directions to the students on the day of the HSPT.